
A Special Lenten Evensong with the Churches of Bethany

We enjoyed sharing coffee hour - and some delicious soup - on Super Bowl Sunday so much, that the Churches of Bethany have decided to plan another get together.  Please be a part of the next gathering when we come together for a potluck supper followed by a special Lenten Evensong service at Christ Church.  All are welcome to enjoy this quiet and contemplative version of the traditional Anglican evening prayer service, which will take place by candlelight at 7:30pm.  The service will be officiated by Elsa Worth and Virginia Child will be our homilist. 

Both churches are massively good at food - so we are particularly looking forward to a wonderful potluck meal before the service.  Please bring a tasty dish to share if you can.  Arrive anytime after 6:00 with a dish to share - this will be true potluck - we'll eat whatever shows up! 

If you can, bring a package of diapers along with you, too, to make a Churches of Bethany donation to the New Haven Diaper Bank. 

Come enjoy a lovely Lenten evening together and strengthen the bonds of affection among the Christians of Bethany.

Thursday, March 19: 
Potluck supper begins 6:00  Evensong service at 7:30

- if you can, bring a dish to share and some diapers to donate.