Great Occasions

If you take part in Christ Church, you are invited to one of the many Great Occasions coming up in September and October.  These gatherings will take place at a variety of different times at different people's homes.  Dessert or other delicious refreshments will be provided and we will be connecting over a central question: What is God inviting us into in 2016 and beyond?  What is God calling us to do as a church?

Come engage in some juicy discussion while enjoying the company of your church friends.  Vestry members will be facilitating each discussion and taking notes.  Everyone's responses will be gathered together and at the October vestry meeting, the members of the vestry will compile everyone's thoughts and will articulate a vision for our church going forward into the coming year.  The results of our conversations will be shared with the entire parish during our worship services on Sunday, October 25 - our Greatest Occasion.

We hope to have 100% participation in this important church wide conversation.  This is how we will discern our way forward as a community.  Sign up sheets are on your left as you enter the parish hall.  If you can't make it to church to sign up yourself, give Diane a call during office hours (T, W, Th 9:30-2:30 at 393-3399) and she can tell you what is available and sign you up for a Great Occasion that works for your schedule.